Lusting over some carbon goodness? Good news! The vans are rolling into town early this year!
Now’s your chance to throw a leg over some of the finest that Norco has to offer, including the Range, Sight and Optic, to name a few. Are you a lover of the wagon wheel? Never fear – the 29ers are here! And there might even be a little something for the fat-tire loving folk…
The Norco Demo tents will be set up at the Lake Lillian parking lot Friday, April 28th from 4PM to 8PM, and you’re welcome to try as many bikes as you would like. Representatives from Norco will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Make sure to bring a helmet, your favorite shoes/pedals, some ID and a Credit Card (rides are free – just not to take home!)
For more details, swing by the shop, or visit Norco’s Website!